Thursday, 2 January 2014

Be Breathless

New year, new moon, new normal. 

I spent New Year's Eve with some pretty amazing friends. All evening I had this excited energy in the pit of my stomach. It seemed to be saying that despite all the reasons I have to feel sad, angry and scared as this new year begins; this year perhaps more than any other needs to be fantastic. And it just might be! 

I didn't want to make this yet another New Year's blog full of reflections, resolutions and goals. Because as one friend said it on Facebook:
 “Here's some truth for you – the only thing that changes tomorrow is the last digit when you write the date. Life is neither short nor long; it's exactly what you make of it, so make fewer bucket lists and just do it...”

Truth is: the only reflection of last year that I want to remember is that I did try to live up to my mantra from when I started this blog, to Be Vulnerable – even in the uncomfortable places – and I did begin to live more wholeheartedly.

Truth is: there isn't really much I want to change for the coming year, though I know lots of things will in their own time and place.

What I do want is to continue to be vulnerable. And I want to step back in all those moments – the good ones and the not-so-good ones – where I am trying to live wholeheartedly and vulnerably, and to: 
Be Breathless 

So that is my mantra this year. I want to face, learn from, grow with, and enjoy every moment, every change, every challenge, every opportunity that life throws at me, and to
Be Breathless

I want to measure the next 525 600 moments of my life by being

I wish the same for you!

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