Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Let's (not) Talk About It

It takes courage to stay true to yourself when so many voices
 are telling you to follow a more conventional path.
~ Sara Eckel, 
Stop telling Single Women they're 'Fabulous'

I had a thought the other day... actually, I've kind of had this thought a few times. But this time I decided to write it out.

It came to me after reading an article called Stop telling Single Women they're 'Fabulous'. There are many great points/quotes from that article, and I really felt emotionally connected and energized by it. I don't think I could have written it better myself, and to write a direct comment or response to it would likely be, I fear, redundant. I almost want to just post the link & call it my blog for this week!

But then my thought was this:
You know how during the many conversations about homosexuality (ie. equal relationship rights, acceptance vs. tolerance, etc.), people will comment that they look forward to the day when we won't have these conversations because it won't be an issue anymore? For example:

Just change the topic from homosexuality to singleness or even childlessness, and yeah, that was my thought. I look forward to the day when there won't be articles like the one mentioned above. When no request for respect nor explanation of what it means or what it is like to be [fill in the blank] is needed; because black or white (or any other colour), man or woman, gay or straight, male or female (or any expression in between), single or in relationship, parent or childless (read: really cool aunt/uncle)... it won't matter!

The unfortunate thing is, those conversation(s) may only disappear because a new one has taken it's place. We seem to be a people who need something to complain about; something to debate; some reason to look down on or criticize the proverbial them...

So I look forward to the day when people can just live their lives without scrutiny; when diversity is not tolerated, accepted, nor even celebrated – because it just is.
Then again, a world where we don't have various issues to debate and discuss... well, it sounds kind of boring... Plus, what would I write about?!


Parkes Images Photography said...


Unknown said...

I wish there was a Like button on these comments... ;)