Sunday, 11 May 2014

Denouncing the Month of “Meh”

Loving something isn't about coveting it:
it is about appreciating it.
The best way we can show this love is by trying to nurture growth,
not inhibit it.”
~ unknown

But something amazing happens when you free your mind from the idea that one person [or thing] can define your happiness.
Psychologically, something changes in you when you release the need to make everything right.
You become your playful, relaxed self again.
~ James Bauer [bracketed italics mine]

Over drinks with friends the other night, I finally blurted out “I hate this month!” Listening to my own words and the stories of my friends I couldn't help but comment, “I wrote about this last year, The Month of “Meh”, and it's happening again.”

Last year I wrote about it at the end of the month, as a reflection of the weeks past. This year, only 10 days in, I want to denounce the month of “meh”.

We've had a long, harsh, cold winter. You can see that reflected in many things. But now, the sun is shining! The flowers are blooming! Temperatures have risen, and layers of clothing have come off! If there was any time of the year when it should be easier to be happy and connected, it is now!

I have found myself before in similar places to where I am now – feeling somewhat lost; or frustrated with little or no progress on goals and projects; or discouraged by one or more of the relationships in my life... And typically I end up retreating into myself. I avoid social outings and distract myself with a glass [coughbottlecough] of wine, ice cream and a good movie. Or a bad one, depending on my mood.

But this time, something feels different. Maybe it's that a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to sit down and really figure out what I wanted for my life right now. Maybe it's that I've done some growing and changing and learning in important ways over the past year or so and I understand better what I'm experiencing and how to move through it. Maybe it's all those things and more, maybe it's something completely different. All I know is that instead of seeing this situation as a reason to retreat and feel sorry for myself...

I want to view it as an opportunity to re-connect!

To appreciate myself, nurturing and allowing love to grow. To appreciate the relationships that mean the most to me, nurturing and allowing love to grow where it may.
To engage in the activities and relationships that – together – make me happy. To release the need to make things “right” (whatever that looks like anyway...) And to find my playful relaxed self again!

I'm denouncing the month of “meh”, and choosing to step up so that by the end of the month I can (hopefully) say “I loved this month!”

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