Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Re-invent yourself... or just open your eyes.

I had a psychic give me a free reading the other week. I didn't go looking for this, in fact I would rather not know what a psychic has to say about my future. I prefer the element of surprise and wonder. Nonetheless, it found me.

Despite what you may believe about psychics and their premonition-abilities, let me preface the rest of my words here with this: I tend to take this kind of thing with a grain of salt; as one possibility of how things may turn out if certain decisions are made and paths followed; but not necessarily the exact direction my life will go. The truth is, I have seen pictures in my mind's eye of what my life could look like – with a certain person as a partner, in one career/job or another, planting roots in a specific place or maintaining a certain transient freedom. Maybe most people have that sometimes. And I do get the feeling when I see these pictures that this is what would be, if I choose that path. I can't necessarily say I have had these thoughts, feelings, or pictures about a complete stranger... but who am I to say that someone else doesn't have that ability.

So this psychic told me the flashes and images he was getting; the premonitions he was having about my life. Among other things, he essentially said that I would be making some changes in who I was, where I was, and what I was doing. That I need to, in some ways, re-invent myself...

...all I could think was, “Again?”

This man's words made me feel disappointed. Tired.

I am not usually one to shy away from an opportunity for personal awareness and growth. Though change is often unsettling at first, there have been times in my life when I have welcomed it. But that's my point – I've already made changes in who I am, where I am, and what I'm doing. I have, in some ways, re-invented myself. Numerous times over! I have no doubt that, as life unfolds, there will be more changes. But the thought – right now – of needing to re-invent myself again is just... plain... tiring... I like my long hair (he suggested I change my hair-style sometime soon); I like my apartment and living in Peterborough (he said I will make a big move next year, that my mind is not in Ontario); for the most part, I like who I am right now (he really did use the phrase “re-invent yourself”).

He did also say that my work will come easy to me, when I let myself do it, and that I will be good at it. And he said that someday I will live by the water. So I guess there were some positive, encouraging, uplifting things in what he said!

I don't know how much of this man's words – if any – will ring true in the future. But maybe, at least for my experience, that's not even important right now. Maybe what's more important is the reminder that not all things in life will be positive, encouraging, or uplifting. Sometimes, it will be tiring, disappointing. But none-the-less important. And nothing will happen if I don't make a choice, follow a path, and open my eyes to who I am the direction my life is taking right now!

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