“...I decided that
since last year's Christmas season kinda sucked,
this year's will be
~ Facebook status,
November 22 2013
I wrote that status
for my Facebook profile on the morning that Mom went into hospital.
Before we knew she needed surgery. Before we knew she needed further
treatment. Before it was clear that Christmas might look and feel
different this year.
Last year at
Christmas time I was depressed and stressed out. I avoided the carols
I used to love; I didn't decorate my own apartment; I rushed home
from work rather than enjoying the lights on near-by houses; and the
only cookies I indulged in were at my parents' house.
This year I had wanted to re-discover all those things and more!
This year I had wanted to re-discover all those things and more!
But that was before
cancer entered my family... Because how do you have a fantastic
Christmas with cancer?
After the initial
shock wore off, and Mom began to recover and gain strength after that
first surgery, I decided cancer was not going to get me down this
Christmas! This Christmas perhaps more than any other needed
to be fantastic!
The secret I found?
Surround yourself with the people and things you love.
I baked 5 different
batches of cookies. I sang in my choir's Christmas concert. I played
my Christmas CDs, and watched some of my favourite holiday movies. I
toasted to holiday cheer and exchanged small meaningful gifts with
some of my closest friends. I sang O Holy Night and Silent Night (in
German!) for the Christmas Eve service at the church I grew up in. I
played with my nieces and nephews. I laughed, hugged, and cried with
near-by family and friends; and texted and e-mailed with those at a
distance. I took lots of pictures, and ate tremendous amounts of
food... including too many cookies!
And for a few brief
moments, I forgot about cancer and just had Christmas!
There are still lots of cookies left over and some turkey for sandwiches.
The last bits of wrapping paper have been cleaned up. Younger Brother and
his family are packing up to begin their drive home. I'll follow soon
after. And life will resume as we begin to create a new normal for
our family that includes cancer. There will be moments that are hard;
moments that it is impossible to forget – if only for a second.
But I will always
have the memory of this fantastic Christmas, surrounded by the things
and people I love!
Always enjoy reading your posts, Beth Ann!
<3 Muirah
Thanks Muriah! For reading, and taking the time to comment. I find it very interesting the ways we are able to connect with old friends these days...!
well that gave me warm and fuzzy tears. Thanks Beth ann, you are such a wonderful and wise woman!
Thanks TK!
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