Thursday, 6 March 2014

Taking My Own Advice

“Self reliance conquers any difficulty”
~ Yogi Bhajan

I was freaking out a little bit a few weeks ago, as we do, about a guy I was kind of interested in. Not sure what to do about the situation, I consulted the opinions of my friends. Analyzed their thoughts compared to my own. And still didn't know what to do...

Then I had a realization: I am heading into a career where people will potentially be looking to me for advice about what to do about a particular situation. I, on the other hand, want to empower them to realize the answers on their own – either finding they already know within themselves or at least have access to the proper resources to figure it out. If I expect others to trust me in guiding them on that process, shouldn't I start to trust myself in the same way?

Maybe I should start taking my own advice.

When friends and family come to me for a listening ear, I admit I am a little more free with the advice-giving. Often this is received with appreciation, even if the advice is not followed. Even more so when the advice given returns with favourable results! If others trust my insight into a situation and advice on how to handle it, shouldn't I start to trust myself in the same way?

Maybe I should start taking my own advice.

What better time to start then by taking my own advice about taking my own advice! So I asked myself, what would I tell myself if I came to me with this situation? Immediately I knew what I wanted to do.

Unfortunately that particular situation didn't turn out exactly how I had hoped. Perhaps I had already gone too far in trying out some of the opinions and advice I'd received from friends, to go back to my instincts. Perhaps the lesson was not in the outcome. Because still, I felt empowered. I had re-tuned to my instincts, began to trust myself, and allowed myself to be the expert in my own life. And, perhaps most importantly, I was true to myself; true to who I was and who I wanted to portray to the world. I accepted myself and took the risk of being accepted (or rejected) for exactly who I was in this situation.

Rather than let disappointment with the outcome pull me away from myself, I decided to hold onto that feeling of empowerment and being true to myself. I will still consult with my friends, after all they often have valuable insight and support to offer. But I have decided to try to put more trust in the process of re-connecting with my instincts on all avenues of my life's path. I have decided to start putting more trust in myself and to start taking my own advice!

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