“It must have been recognized that to go forward there is always
something that has to be let go of, moved beyond, given up, or
'forgiven' to enter the larger picture”
~ Richard Rohr,
Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
after my first relationship ended I still had memories of him around
my apartment – pictures, stuffed animals, frivolous trinkets that
only held meaning because they were from him. “They're part of my
decor,” I protested to my friend who questioned the lingering
presence. “If I put them away there will be a hole in my
apartment!” My friend pointed to his heart and said “Or a big ol'
hole in here.”
go can leave one feeling empty inside as it is often meant to create
space for something new or different. What if there isn't something
new to fill that emotional space right away? I suppose then it may be
true that “time heals”; and like a packed wound, it may be from
the inside out, slow, steady, sometimes painful or with an irritating
a perhaps more important question has come to my mind on this topic
in the past few weeks: How can we be sure we are letting go of the
right thing?
let go of the hope instead of the hurt.
I wrote a piece a few
years ago when I first started to realize that I was losing hope:

And yeah, I'm sure I would be happy without it.
But I'm not so sure that I want to be without it...”
I ended that piece by
saying: “I gave up hope. But... maybe hope didn't give up on me.”
And I believe that now!
I have been working on letting go of the right
thing - the pain and bitter cynicism - and am finding that
hope is among the things slowly healing and re-filling the opening
space. A more mature, realistic hope that continues to embrace the
possibility of being happy “without” - but hope none-the-less!
I'm so glad in this
moment that letting go is a continual process of life's journey. So
that I can begin to let go of the right
thing, and find my way back to things I'd rather have held on to.
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